REVIEW EDITOR: I guess you're right. I should revew. Frankly, I hadn't intended to for selfish reasons: I've found in the articles more and more reiteration of quite predictable ideas and I was beginning not to read everything and to skim what I did read, sometimes quitting when I saw the gist of the article. I wonder if the problem (if not altogether in myself) does not lie in the very nature of the magazine's purpose? After you've stated a few basic ideas, what more is there to say? And of course, your aim is also an exhortatory one, and how many different ways can you declare that homosex vals should "accept" themselves, that laws should be tolerant? I'm afraid you're obliged to repeat yourself endlessly.
As much as I'm ashamed to admit it, I'm afraid my own grand passion is not for social reform (though I ardently desire it) but for homosexuals themselves. You can be sure I'll read every short story no matter how faulty, and scrutinize every anatomical cover, however amateurish. I'm the sort of prurient clod, in short, that your frequent statements of high ideals tend to exclude from your readership... And by the way, after almost two years of subscribing, I still don't know what the symbols mean in the "Homophilic Bibliography." Isn't it time they were repeated?-Mr. E. D., Ohio
EDITOR'S NOTE: You have pinpointed what we consider our greatest challenge: How to hold interest of readers who have developed their own self-acceptance and who understand what Mattachine's purpose is all about. Over considerable resistance we have decided to print stories, and plan to use more of them if they are forthcoming. In other ways the REVIEW is, we think, evolving and maturing, but it's a slow process. On the bibliography: Symbols are repeated in this issue, which contains the final instalment. This project has been of great value, we are assured, and we are greatful for the effort and skill put into it by the compilers. But readers will join us, we believe, with relief that it is concluded for the time being.
REVIEW EDITOR: When I read my letter in Readers Write I was startled by the clumsiness of its style. Still, I think that some of the stories are just too "gushy." But only some.—Mr. J. S., Quebec
REVIEW EDITOR: October's article by Luther Allen is one of the best that you have ever had. Your magazine has helped me tremendously to find peace of mind.. Mr. W. L. H., Illinois
REVIEW EDITOR: Dr. Robertiello's reply in the October REVIEW to my two questions regarding the psychoanalyst's view of ho mosexuality was much appreciated.
While I would not wish to impose further on Dr. Robertiello by drawing him into a discussion which he did not solicit, and
while I understand the difficulties of a dia-
logue between a layman and a professional, think out loud about his reply to my second still wonder if it might not be useful to question. This concemed compulsive behavior, and the significance of placing this label on homosexuals.
Dr. Robertiello says that non-compulsive ("normal"?) sex activity is that which is motivated by a physiological drive (plus, according to one of his formulations, its
'psychic derivatives"). Compulsive sex activity, on the other hand, including all homosexual behavior, is that which is pushed by psychological forces, alone and unrelated to, or at least not growing out of, the physical sex drive. Or so I interpret his reply. These propositions are of course merely definitions, except for the Inclusion of homosexual activity in the compulsive class. This is more than a definition; the Implication here is that the physical sex drive, if left to itself so to speak (or aided only by its "psychic derivatives"—I wish he had elaborated a bit more on just what these are) would choose only a heterosexual, never a homosexual object,
While I believe there might be some mem. bers of the psychiatric profession who would dispute this last, and while I myself have trouble imagining any sex activity which is not related both to the physiologic sex drive and to psychological Influences, my chief difficulty lies elsewhere, and is basically a semantic difficulty: Why is the term "compulsive," with its implication of a lessened degree of choice, used to dascribe any form of deviant sex activity? On a priori grounds one wonders why the physical sex drive should be considered less "compelling" than psychic forces; or why the "derived" psychic forces should be
mattachine REVIEW
considered less compelling than other psychic forces. If "compulsive" implies a nondiscriminating repetitiveness, then one could perhaps understand its use in connection with, say, the Don Juan type. But there are "Don Juans" as well as their op. positesl-both among homosexuals and heterosexuals. As evidence for his view, Dr. Robertiello states that a non-compulsive heterosexual is likely to be more interested In the qualities of his partner than a compulsive one, or (by implication) than a ho' mosexual. I wonder whether this proposition has ever been tested on a broad sample of females.-Miss F. C., New York.
REVIEW EDITOR: It appears highly prob-
able that I will soon become a victim of our nation's deluded attitude towards the question of homosexuality. I need your advice. For the past five years I have been employed under Federal Civil Service in various capacities. At the moment I am in a very resposible position in this city.... My record is unexceptionable, as is proven by the fact that I have been promoted regularly as the opportunity arose. This being a military project, Civil Service, of course, has made exhaustive researches into my background with 'the result that this morning I was visited
by a CS special investigator who said that they had evidence that I had Indulged in homosexual practices and what did I have to say about my "immoral conduct"? In effect I told the man that, "Yes, I had in the past. So what?" I have no sense of guilt regard. ing it, since as I told him, I don't believe that I have committed any crime in spite of what the laws say.
Knowing the rapidity of Civil Service thinking. I can only anticipate dismissal with a blackball against ever being employed by the Govemment again. At my (advanced) age that is a dismal prospect. Fortunately I have no family who need know anything about ucated and capable, I don't want to feel that it. But, Inasmuch as I am healthy, well-ed-
life is ended.......... In the light of your experience, what have you to suggest? In any case please send me full Information about your work. I'm just angry enough to want to help you if I can...(signed).
EDITOR'S NOTE: We get many letters similar to this and it is our unpleasant task to try to provide some hope and encouragement to those concemed. What would you, a reader, suggest to this man? We would like to hear from you about it.
Letters from readers are solicited for publication in this regular montbly department. They should be short and all must be signed by the writer. Only initials of the writer and the state or country of residence will be published. Opinion expressed in published letters need not necessarily reflect that of the REVIEW or the Matlachine Society. No names of individuals will be exchanged for correspondence purposes.
Two folders, designed to be used as companion mailing pieces, are available from national headquarters of the Mattachine Society and its branch offices. They are "In Case You. Didn't Know" and "What Has Mattachine Done?" The first outlines the homosexual problem in the U.S. and describes the purpose of the Society; the second tells how the Society is dealing with the problem and what the organization is doing. Pri. ces are: 100 for $1.50; 50 for $1.00; smaller quantities, 3 cents. each. Unless specified otherwise, orders will be filled with equal quantities of each folder.